…and thank you for stopping by! We are VEP (Visual Element Productions) and Sparrow Crafted. My name is Marlin and my partner in this wonderful venture is Maria.
Visual Element Productions was idealized back in 2008 as a web design and graphic arts centered company. We remained true to those roots and still provide web-centralized services but have expanded greatly over the years.
In 2021 we started down the road of offering quality designs and services for 3d modelling and printing and started a separate branch called VEP Games to cover some of the designs we were working on for board gaming and digital design and gaming.
In 2023, we created Sparrow Crafted, a branch of VEP that caters to exquisitely designed and hand crafted items. From story blankets to scarves, we have some amazing gift ideas.
In November of 2023, we started offering the “Mooduck” for the Moo Moo Subaru movement. Offering a unique option for mooing cars without having a large impact on the environment. We source out a majority of our filament options from companies who pledge to leave a small impact on the Earth so that we can do the same with our offerings. Help us spread the #mooluv today, but joining us on one of the many social platforms we are on, or grabbing some of our one-of-a-kind moos and cows.
What is Moo Moo Subaru?
Moo Moo Subaru was created by Staci Huckins and Crystal Hamann when they created the original Moo Moo Subaru Page on Facebook. You can find the link down at the bottom of the page.
“Ever heard of Duck Duck Jeep where Jeep owners leave rubber ducks on other Jeeps? Well this is Moo Moo Subaru - where we leave rubber cows on Subarus!” - Facebook Page Description
This gives you an idea of how it started, What better way to explain why we do cows other than letting the co-creator of it, Staci, in her own words:
“I am the co-creator of Moo Moo Subaru. I chose cows for a few reasons. One - because I was told I wasn’t allowed to use ducks. Two - because cow merch comes in many options - rubber cows, cake topper cows, keychains, pens, plushies, etc. Three - I like the rhyme. Moo Moo Subaru just rolls off the tongue and is unique so people will remember it. And Four - because of the stars constellation being part of Taurus. And as an added bonus, I like cow puns - such as this mooooovement we created, and being able to tell the haters don’t have a cow, just moooove on if you don’t like it!” - Staci Huckins